Rates Saver

Huge Savings NOW – on Empty Property Business Rates

Which is Provided by using our Landlords or Tenants Business Rates – Mitigation Solution

As a Commercial Property Owner if your Property has become EMPTY / VACANT, there is an automatic entitlement to receive 100% relief for the FIRST SIX months from payment of non-domestic Business Rates, where the Property is normally occupied as an Industrial Premises or as a Warehouse. Where the Property is normally occupied as a Shop or an Office the entitlement to relief is for the FIRST THREE months.

Fundamentally the law provides that when the INITIAL period of EMPTY VACANT Property non-domestic Business Rates Relief has expired, as Landlord it is possible for you to enjoy ADDITIONAL periods that are also Business Rates FREE and provides you with 100% relief from payment of non-domestic Business Rates, achieved as a direct result of using our Rates-Saver Mitigation Solution for a period of 95 days OCCUPATION pursuant to the terms and conditions of our short-term Lease on your EMPTY VACANT Business Property prior to us VACATING THE PREMISES. As the Landlord you are then entitled to claim a new ADDITIONAL 100% relief to negate payment of non-domestic Business Rates for a period of SIX months provided the Property is normally used as Industrial Premises or a Warehouse. If the Property is normally used as a Shop or Office you are entitled to claim a new ADDITIONAL 100% relief to negate payment of non-domestic Business Rates for a period of THREE months.

We are Rates Mitigation experts and since 2008 we have achieved an enviable One Hundred Percent record of success with the Rates-Saver projects undertaken.


It is straightforward and appealing to Property Owners (or Tenants) situated in England & Wales who are suffering the burden and imposition of PAYING 100% non-domestic Business Rates on EMPTY VACANT commercial Property and wish to mitigate liabilities by paying the least amount of EMPTY Property Business Rates that is legally permissible. 

Glevum Property Management Ltd are established Property agents we specialise in offering an immediate solution to owners or Tenants of EMPTY VACANT Commercial Property situated in England & Wales by assisting to reduce Business Rate liabilities and provide, at arms length, a professional system dedicated to securing new EXEMPT periods of non-domestic Business Rate charges – whilst existing marketing arrangements of your Premises can simply continue unaffected by seeking to achieve a long-term let, or sale of the Property.

This Guaranteed (minimum disturbance) short-term period of Occupation is achieved by ‘Permission Based’ Media Marketing campaigns that broadcast via Bluetooth messaging networks. This type of Proximity Marketing equipment has primarily been located within larger shopping-malls and Retail Business Parks.

The server units are installed within your EMPTY PROPERTY which we are able to operate for periods of up to 24 hours per day. Each transmitter maintains a Server Report Log and will communicate by Bluetooth to mobile phones that are in the vicinity of the building concerned (our messages are sent free of charge to the recipient). This will not affect marketing arrangements of the Property, indeed if prospective new tenants view the Property it is unlikely they would even know a temporary occupation was in place.

We receive a small percentage share of your Business Rate savings generated by a new ADDITIONAL-SIX months Rates FREE Period on Property that is normally used as Industrial Premises or a Warehouse. Alternatively a new ADDITIONAL-THREE Months Rates FREE Period on Property that is normally used as a Shop or Office. Leaving you with HUGE overall savings than would otherwise have been non-domestic Business Rates PAYABLE to the Local Rating Authority if the present situation continued unabated. Our FEE settlement terms to be paid to us 88 days after the commencement of our short-term occupation

All Rates-Saver matters are dealt with by us directly with the Rating Authority.


1: We require to receive by email attachment a copy of your latest EMPTY VACANT Property Business Rates billing. Also we require your contact name and Telephone Number

2: the event you have NOT been able to secure a NEW LONG-TERM TENANT following the COMPLETION of our non-domestic Business Property Rates short-term Lease OCCUPATION for a period of 95 days and entitles you to receive a NEW ADDITIONAL SIX months RATES-FREE EXEMPT PERIOD of billing provided the Premises are normally used as an Industrial Property or a Warehouse. or following the COMPLETION of our non-domestic Business Property Rates short-term Lease OCCUPATION for a period of 95 days and entitles you to receive a NEW ADDITIONAL THREE months RATES-FREE EXEMPT PERIOD of billing provided the Premises are normally used as a Shop or Office.

3: We provide by email a FREE no obligation ‘FIRM QUOTATION’ consisting of 1 x A4 page ‘PRO-FORMA’ Invoice containing the information and your cost savings.

4: In addition we provide 1 x A4 sheet ‘HOW IT WORKS’ containing your bespoke information sheet

5: Pre-payment equal to 95 days non-domestic Business Property Rates to be held in our bank account ready for immediate settlement of the short-term Lease occupation – upon our receipt of the Local Authority Business Rates – final billing invoice

6: We administer immediate full settlement of the short-term occupation Business Rates Billing

7: To enable the Rates-Saver occupation to take place we shall require access to the Premises preferably for the duration of our short-term Lease occupation. Or at the very least access at COMMENCEMENT of our Rates-Saver occupation and also at time of our VACATING the Premises to facilitate the initial installation and final termination/vacation to remove/uplift our broadcasting transmitter equipment. We may also require access to the Premises within our period of occupation in the event a Local Authority Inspector wishes to conduct an internal property inspection to verify the occupation is valid and in order.

8: At termination of our short-term Lease occupation we shall notify the Local Rating Authority that the party liable for payment of Business Rates is now returned to the Property Landlord/owner

9: At completion of our short-term Lease OCCUPATION – YOU will re-establish your entitlement to enjoy a new ADDITIONAL – SIX months Rates FREE-EXEMPT period of billing in circumstances where the Premises are normally used as an Industrial Property or a Warehouse. Otherwise you will re-establish your entitlement to enjoy a new ADDITIONAL – THREE months Rates FREE-EXEMPT period of billing in circumstances where the Premises are normally used as a Shop or Office (with relief from the imposition of incurring Empty Property non-domestic Business Rates billing).  

10: OUR RATES-SAVER system is repeatable as often as it may become necessary

Welcome to :-
Glevum Property Management Ltd

Capitol House, 18 Capitol Park, 135 Pearce Way, Gloucester, GL2 5YD

Tel: 01452 524281 or 07875 056157

Email: glevum.property@btconnect.com

Please do not hesitate to contact us without obligation for further details Tel: 01452 524281 or 07875 056157

We would be delighted to offer our RATES-SAVER Solution on your properties that are suffering the imposition of paying UNOCCUPIED non-domestic Property Rates at a time when they are failing to generate an income. I am confident that you will be comfortable with our fast, efficient and professional system provided. You enjoy a WIN / WIN situation. 

Make HUGE Savings now – on Vacant Property Business Rates via our Landlord’s Business RATES-SAVER System